visions of white, raw fury in flight.

last updated june 2nd 2024.

― do not unsheathe me without reason,
do not wield me without valor.


  1. PHYSICAL PROWESS      --      being a tool of war means a trained body and mind. though opting more to use other instruments and tools for her disposal, she is surprisingly good at close combat; despite her appearance. her strength is above expectations; though speed is more what she depends on.

  2. BLADE MANIPULATION / TRANSMUTATION      --      the ability to transform her body, or parts of her body, into a blade. it can either be one part of her body or multiple. this is done at will. she can also turn her physical form into several different types of blade, should the wielder at the time have a preferred weapon.

  3. SWORD MASTERY      --     taking one to know one; wielding a sword, though she feels no need to do so being one, is as natural as breathing. she uses it more when transforming pieces of herself into blades.


  1. ÈQUILIBRE      --      the calm & the clarity, the eye of the storm. this ability neutralizes the surrounding area. supernatural influence has no effect on the zone surrounding the blade, meaning those have to depend entirely on skill. for the wielder, this means they too can bring balance to the battlefield. the closer the opponent comes, the more their additional abilities are rendered null.

  2. S'EPANOUIR      --      to reap. the blade absorbs the elemental / energy effects of another ( e.g., absorbing the flames of a mage's fire ) to either harness that energy, or to repel it back toward the original caster. for the wielder, they may use Juliet to absorb incoming attacks to release later, or store their own latent power within to unleash in tandem with her own

  3. LABYRINTHE DE LAMES      --    to call upon the garden of swords. sinking a limb into the earth does then summon a flurry of additional blades, piercing the battlefield itself with steel. for the wielder, the same influence of the field can be granted by plunging the blade into material.

  4. EN MÉMOIRE      --      to rise to the call of arms. ghostly visages of previous forms answer to beckons && calls. in spectral form do they dance in tandem of the blade's song. for the wielder, the same may be done. let them join the song of war.

.    TITLE.    .    the sword maiden.
.    ALSO KNOWN AS.    .    juliet.
.    AGE.    .    300+ years.
.    HEIGHT.    .    5"10 / 177cm.
.    GENDER.    .    female.
.    PRONOUNS.    .    she / her / hers.
.    OCCUPATION.    .    weapon.
.    SPECIES.    .    sentient sword.
.    ALIGNMENT.    .    neutral good.

.    WIELDER.    .    none.
.    BLADE.    .    gunmetal black.
.    SHEATHE    .    shimmering silver.
.    HAIR.    .    black, white streak.
.    EYES.    .    vibrant blue.
.    STYLE.    .    elegant, flowing.
.    VOICE.    .    soft, eloquent; songful.

angel of the blade.

"Juliet ", a sword masquerading as almost human. she presents herself as a quiet yet polite && friendly woman who will assist others in whatever way she can. she is naturally curious, and may have a tendency to get lost in her own thoughts or overthink a simple question. conversations, though originally casual, may result in philosophy.she is an amnesiac, and remembers nothing of her previous feats. slowly, her memories return; though at what cost is yet to be seen.